Shipping Containers Online Transport and Delivery Terms
The delivery and siting of containers is not always a straightforward endeavour.
Our (S Jones Containers Ltd) aim is to ensure that all deliveries are calmly and professionally organised and conducted, and successful through thorough information gathering, planning and communication.
Our transport and delivery service includes advice on delivery of container(s) and we strongly advise you (the Customer) give us as much information as possible about the delivery site and your requirements.
By placing a shipping containers online order with us you agree to these Terms (including the Delivery Questionnaire), unless otherwise specifically agreed by us in writing.
Our transport and delivery quotation is based on information supplied by you. The costing of each job takes into account various factors. If, at the time of delivery, any of these details have changed or, if important information affecting the job has been omitted, we reserve the right to amend our charges accordingly. Any additional charges will be invoiced following the delivery which you agree to pay in full on receipt of the invoice. We will provide a full explanation of such a requirement at the time.
Unless specified otherwise the transport and delivery quotation is for a basic off-load of the container(s) parallel with, and immediately next to, the side of the vehicle during normal weekday business hours. Our normal operating hours for deliveries are from 07:00 hrs to 18:30 hrs Monday – Friday. This excludes Bank Holidays and the Christmas period.
To help us keep our prices keen the standard time allowed for offloading from the time of arrival of the vehicle on site is 30 minutes, which is adequate for a basic delivery providing we have been given all necessary information beforehand. Thereafter vehicle time is charged at £78.00 (inc VAT) per hour per vehicle from the start of each hour.
If you require the container(s) to be lifted over obstacles, positioned end-on to the side of the vehicle, lifted off the rear of the vehicle, off-loaded in a building or stacked onto another container, etc, we will provide you with a price accordingly.
You are responsible for all ‘off-highway’ arrangements, occurrences, consequences and costs unless agreed otherwise in writing including, but not exclusively and where necessary: sufficient access for the operation of the delivery, arrangements with and permissions from those who have the right to grant permission to access all ground as necessary to complete the delivery, all re-instatement of ground affected by the movement of vehicles and operation of lifting equipment etc., traffic and parking control to enable free movement of vehicles and cranes on site, advisement, collation of and prior approval of delivery and site operating documentation, site alterations to facilitate the operation of the delivery, provision of qualified/competent banksmen for
manoeuvring of vehicles and operation of lifting equipment, site insurance.
Delivery vehicles must remain on a suitable hard standing surface at all times. You must ensure there are no obstructions to the crane operation and container off-load position, such as, but not exclusively; drains, fire hydrants, bollards, trees or overhead cables, etc. (If in doubt, please ask).
We reserve the right to accept or reject any information supplied and to withhold delivery services at our discretion if we have concerns about the delivery operation and to demand additional information or clarification of supplied information, including conditional site inspections which may be a chargeable service.
If a delivery is aborted for any of the above reasons we will be charged by the haulier for the original delivery, and may incur additional charges (up to the same cost again) for the return of the container(s) back to depot as the delivering vehicle has to abort it’s next job, as well as the depot ‘gate in’ charges to re-admit the container into the depot. We will have no option but to charge these costs to you in full. You agree to pay these charges on presentation of our invoice.
Please feel free to discuss any of the above points with us.
This document shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England.